"Things are sweeter when they're lost.
I know - because once I wanted something and got it.
It was the only thing I ever wanted badly.
And when I got it,
it turned into dust in my hands."
{F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and the Damned}
It's been awhile but...we're bringing back the mini. I can't remember the last time I wore a mini skirt {probably in middle school -- think circa 2004 Abercrombie & Fitch cut-off denim minis with polo pairing}, and I've actually had this particular one in my closet for ages with the tags still attached. Nowadays, we're remixing the mini as the perfect casual, chic piece to transition you from sweltering summer days into crisp fall eves. So if you've got yourself a pair somewhere in the depths of your closet, it's time to dust off the mini for the mini me comeback, 2.0.
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