There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.
{Bram Stroker, Dracula}
I come from a very large extended family. My grandmother is the mother of eight children, the grandmother of eighteen grandchildren, and the great-grandmother of six great-grandchildren {and counting}. She is the light of our family -- a truly wonderful, intelligent, and beautiful soul. I admire her very much for her character. She is one of the most diligent and humble human beings I have ever had the pleasure to know, and I along with my seventeen other cousins are constantly amazed by the woman she is. If you put all eighteen of us together, we would still fail in our attempts to try and create the things my grandmother has seemingly perfected in her lifetime {with ease}. An example would be the sweater I am wearing today, which is actually a handmade piece by my grandmother. She picked up knitting in her 60s and made hundreds of knitted pieces for her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I still have many pieces from when I was young that I've held onto out of sentiment -- I would never let them go and they're pieces I hope to pass on to my own children one day. This sweater is actually one she knitted for my mother, and amongst the others we have from her in our possession, I am absolutely speechless at her talent. They are perfectly knitted, seriously stylish, and each unique in design. She has cable knits {which she apparently taught herself} and floral patterns, tipped cardigans and crops. I was literally like a child in a candy store going through her sweaters. I also find it almost humorous that this turtleneck she knitted probably 10-20 years ago is nearly identical to this one from Madewell. Like what? Grandma, teach me your ways. If I could trade in all my sweaters for a wardrobe full of my grandmother's creations, you bet in a heart beat that I would!!
Refined Couture
Handknit Turtleneck by Grandma Couture - very similar here || Aéropostale Shirt c/o || J.Crew Pixie Pants || Madewell Boots {on sale!} || Rebecca Minkoff Bag || Coco + Marie Necklace c/o
I know I already commented on Instagram, but this is such a gorgeous winter outfit!! I absolutely love the sweater, and it's incredible that it's handmade too.
Something About That
Such a gorgeous sweater, and the story behind it is amazing! You've definitely inspired me to go looking for all the stuff my grandma made and I tucked away.
Your grandma is a fashion oracle! Hahaha, but no joke the sweater looks brand new and so on trend, your grandma has great tastes Erica!