"The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure but from hope to hope."
In the midst of hopes, we find pleasure.
I'm an avid reader -- most of the time that means I have my nose stuck in a book or a news article, but that also means I'm prone to clicking on any article my friends may share on Facebook so long as the title seems somewhat interesting. The other day as I was scrolling through Facebook, I came across a post that someone shared about how we, as humans, tend to always think the future holds something better. We are constantly thinking that once these years pass, the next ones to come will be better. As a child you can't wait to be older, because everything seems better when you're say, 18. When you finally turn 18 you can't wait to be in your early 20's because then maybe adults will take you more seriously and you'll also have more freedom and expendable money. Then, you hit your early 20's and you think, well once I sort out my life -- maybe by my late 20's or early 30's, life will definitely get even better. I'll have a solid career, maybe start the beginning workings of a family, etc. But in always looking so far ahead for happiness, what happens to the present? The future is a big grey area...it's a massive unknown. The present, however, is something tangible and it's really the only moment you should be living for. Not to say that we shouldn't let our minds wander from hope to hope, milestone to milestone, but to forget to find pleasure in the moment would be a shame in your past when you look back from the future.

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